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Daily Verse Devo - Genesis 50:20

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.

-Genesis 50:20 (NLT)

In this verse, Joseph is forgiving his brothers. Years ago, out of jealousy, they trapped him in a pit. At first, they were going to kill him, but then they decided to sell him to slave traders.

It had been many years since they last saw him and Joseph had risen to second-in-command of Egypt. His God-given ability to interpret Pharaoh's dream had caused Egypt to be prepared before famine struck. People from all over were flocking to Egypt for provisions, including Joseph's brothers.

While in Egypt, Joseph was separated from his family and worked as a servant. Potiphar's wife had wrongly accused Joseph of sexual sins and he spent a long time in jail for a crime he never committed. He was abandoned and forgotten.

But God never forgot Joseph. He used him to save the lives of many. There's no denying that Joseph's brothers wanted to harm him. Yet, God used even their messed up scheme to lead to provision for an entire region. What Joseph-like situations are you dealing with? Is there a family member or co-worker or someone causing you harm? Have you been accused of something you didn't do? Or maybe you're dealing with depression, illness, or job loss. This world is full of troubles and it's so easy to see the harm.

Yet, whatever you're going through, just remember that God has a plan. He can redeem the pain and struggle for His glory. Even if people or circumstances try to harm us, God can use that for good.

Another thing to remember is that Joseph didn't see his "harm" turn into "good" for several years. Most of the time, we just see the pain in the here and now. God knows the outcome and He has a wonderful plan that we may not yet see.

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