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Daily Verse Devo - 2 Kings 20:5

“Go back to Hezekiah, the leader of my people. Tell him, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and three days from now you will get out of bed and go to the Temple of the Lord.'"

-2 Kings 20:5 (NLT)

Hezekiah was the king of Judah and he had just been warned by the prophet Isaiah that he would die from his illness.

Upon hearing Isaiah's message, Hezekiah began praying to the Lord and sobbing. He asked God to remember his faithfulness.

Just as Isaiah was getting ready to leave the middle courtyard, God told him to go back to Hezekiah. God had heard Hezekiah's prayers and had seen his tears. He decided to add 15 years to Hezekiah's life, rescue the city from Assyria's king, and defend Judah for the sake of David.

As a sign, God allowed the shadow on Ahaz's sundial to go backward 10 steps. Scholars argue about what this meant exactly, but regardless of the differing views, it was clearly a miraculous display of God's power over time and nature.

I absolutely love this account of Hezekiah. Instead of moping about his inevitable death, he sought the One who had power over life and death. Hezekiah reminded God of all he had done to serve him and pleaded with God to remember him.

God always answers prayers the way He sees fit. This verse doesn't mean that God will give everyone 15 extra years to live, but it shows us a God who listens and sees His people.

Sometimes it can be easy to view God as far away since we don't physically see Him, but God is in fact very close. He is omnipresent (present everywhere at once) and He cares about everything we're going through. There's nothing you're going through that is too insignificant or too big for God to handle.

In a previous post, I told you about my middle school songwriting phase. One of those songs was based on this passage about Hezekiah. I was so amazed that God chose to answer Hezekiah's extreme prayer, but even more blown away by the fact that God "heard" and "saw" Hezekiah.

I fully believe that God hears and sees us today. We're never alone or invisible, because God is with us and really cares. Just like God restored Hezekiah's health, He is still mending our brokenness and bringing healing to our hearts.

Restoration Lyrics...

Your life is at a place that seems too broken to be repaired. All that's left is misery and despair. Well, there's good news, Jesus wants you as His child to share in His kingdom. He'll give you new life and eternal freedom. Everyone who comes to Christ is made new; the old self removed. Here's what God says, you really need to know this:

I have heard your prayers; I have seen your tears, and I will heal you. Once again, I will restore you. I'll make you better than you were before. I'll give you new opportunities; open new doors. I'll give you complete restoration. I'll make you holy to Me through dedication. I will restore you 'cause everything I say is true.

God will protect you, His loved one, just as God protected His only Son. He won't abandon Him to the grave nor let His Holy One see decay/ You have always kept me on track. You've always put Your arm around my back. All You have done is worthy; you've shown us undeserved mercy. I know what You say is true, so help me to honor You.

I have heard your prayers; I have seen your tears, and I will heal you. Once again, I will restore you. I'll make you better than you were before. I'll give you new opportunities; open new doors. I'll give you complete restoration. I'll make you holy to Me through dedication. I will restore you 'cause everything I say is true.

I wanna be better. I wanna improve. Not only to say I'm Yours, but live like it's true. Oh, Lord, I want to be like You. You gave me life and hope eternal. All I sing comes from my heart's journal. And all of my days, I wanna praise You.

I have heard your prayers; I have seen your tears, and I will heal you. Once again, I will restore you. I'll make you better than you were before. I'll give you new opportunities; open new doors. I'll give you complete restoration. I'll make you holy to Me through dedication. I will restore you 'cause everything I say is true.

You restore, like nothing ever before. Your love is more than I could ever ask for. You life me up. And like an eagle, I soar under Your wings, which makes me wanna sing! Praise to You alone, Lord, from Your child now restored.

I have heard your prayers; I have seen your tears, and I will heal you. Once again, I will restore you. I'll make you better than you were before. I'll give you new opportunities; open new doors. I'll give you complete restoration. I'll make you holy to Me through dedication. I will restore you 'cause everything I say is true.

I will heal you, restore you. Complete restoration is yours.

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