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Daily Verse Devo - Daniel 1:4

“Select only strong, healthy, and good-looking young men,” he said. “Make sure they are well versed in every branch of learning, are gifted with knowledge and good judgment, and are suited to serve in the royal palace. Train these young men in the language and literature of Babylon.”

-Daniel 1:4 (NLT)

These words were spoken by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, when he invaded Jerusalem. He wanted his chief of staff to bring back men of nobility from Judah to take as captives.

Those taken captive included Daniel and his three friends, known in Babylon as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

So how do we apply this verse to our everyday lives?

Well, I think reading through the entire book of Daniel, especially the first chapter, it's clear that Daniel and his friends fear the Lord and are good husband quality.

Yes, I know that doesn't relate to everyone, but I think it's interesting to look at their characteristics. For the ideal wife, most look to the Proverbs 31 woman. I would have to promote the ideal husband as a Daniel man.

What characteristics do you look for in a spouse? Or, if you're married, what qualities do you see in your spouse?

Not every woman is going to line up to Proverbs 31 and not every man will line up with Daniel 1, but I think it can get us thinking about the qualities we long for in others and the qualities we can improve on personally.

The majority of these traits come from Nebuchadnezzar's list, but the last two are evidenced in the lives of Daniel and his friends.

The Daniel Man

  • Handsome

Handsome is a relative term. One time, a friend showed me a picture of her boyfriend and I honestly didn't find him that attractive.

On the other hand, not everyone agrees with my definition of attractive. I've always liked guys with slightly long wavy hair. Maybe they remind me of the pictures of Jesus seen in churches? Maybe that's why Thor is my favorite superhero and my movie crushes have almost always had longer hair.

In all honesty, being good looking is not the most important thing. It's more important to be a person who is attractive on the inside. I've also found that getting to know someone can make them more attractive to you than just seeing them at first glance.

  • Strong and Healthy

Strong and healthy are admirable traits. Again, Thor. :)

But anyway, God has made men to be strong in a way that women cannot be. I think a man who relies on God's strength and uses his strength to help others is attractive. Being healthy is great too, as it allows them to serve God and others more efficiently.

  • Well Versed in Learning

Well versed in learning is a definite yes on the qualities I'd like to see in a man. I tend to be a nerd, so I'd love someone to exchange facts with and engage in intellectually stimulating conversations with. If a man likes going to museums or watching game shows, that's a plus too.

Again, there are many different ways people can be well versed in learning. Not everyone is great at school or enjoys scholarly pursuits. Some people are better at fixing things, working with their hands, and have a lot of practical knowledge.

  • Gifted with Knowledge and Judgement

To sum this up in one word, I would say "discernment". A man who thinks before acting and goes into a decision fully aware of the possible consequences is admirable. A discerning man quickly senses danger and avoids anything unwise.

Discernment is a lifelong pursuit, but a man fully pursuing it is honorable.

  • Takes a Stand for What He Believes In

This is a quality I greatly admire in a man, when he is unashamed of what he believes and is willing to defend it to the end. Daniel and his friends refused to eat the king's food because it went against God's laws for the Jews. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the king's statue and were placed in a fiery furnace. Daniel refused to stop praying to God and was put into a den of lions. They were willing to do the right thing, no matter the cost.

  • Fears the Lord

This goes hand in hand with taking a stand. Daniel and his friends did what was right, regardless of punishment, because their main goal was to honor God.

This is the number one priority every person should have. It can be easy to get our priorities out of line, but a marriage is so much better when the husband and wife are focused on Christ first.

Are there any other qualities you'd add to this list? Do you agree or disagree with any of these? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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